Stuff I Read

Jun 7, 02:44 PM

by Katharine Koeppen, RA

"Hey, what do you read?" asked a curious client. She told me she was wondering about the reading habits of people like me. I'm not entirely sure of what she meant by that (!), but I am a voracious reader and usually have several different books going at any given time. Here's the list of what I've just finished or am currently reading:

Ackerman, Diane. Dawn Light: Dancing with Cranes and Other Ways to Start the Day, rereading various essays.

Barnes, Julian. The Sense of an Ending.

Berkowsky, Bruce. Spiritual Phytoessencing Materia Medica, various chapters.

von Bingen, Hildegard. Physica, translation by Priscilla Throop. 

Jonasson, Jonas. The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared.

Palmer, Parker J. A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life.

Tisserand, Maggie. Aromatherapy vs. MRSA.

No, they are not all work-related, and range from the deeply esoteric to the lighthearted-bordering-on-ridiculous. Yes, my tastes are very eclectic. I'd especially recommend Diane Ackerman, who is an extraordinary scientific and literary writer. Her books are addictive!

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